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Geforce driver and TTS4 problems

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 5:44 pm
by wilf
Some time ago I reported that my desktops (both with GTX 750ti graphics cards) had problems with the Geforce drivers when using video player 1 in TTS4.

I therefore completely reinstalled a desktop - without being connected to my Microsoft account. According to the latest Windows 10 and the latest Geforce driver, the result was that TTS4 automatically selected video player 2 and after I selected video player 1 it started briefly once and then the picture was black.

I've been looking for older driver versions and the best one is (for me)
So the video player 1 works perfectly, the picture is optimal.

However, I noticed 3 settings during my attempts and the Google research.

1. I have connected a 42“ TV monitor via HDMI for the TTS4. With this you have to select in the NVIDA settings under "change resolution" below RGB the "dynamic output range" to "full". Only then is RGB 0-255 transmitted to the TV. By default for TV Screens the driver sets up "limited" there, so that only 16-235 are transmitted, which is not really black or white, for example. Gray tones then become a little bluish, for example.

2. In the video color settings I have to select "with NVIDEA settings" and then the "brightness" to plus 10%, otherwise the display in the video is too dark.

3. Then I set the anti-aliasing FXAA to “on” in the “Manage 3D settings”, which in my opinion improves the video a little bit.

Perhaps one or the other of you have had experiences that also influence other programs. So the 1st point also ensures a better picture at ZWIFT.

best regards from Hamburg with lousy weather


PS: These problems do not exist on my laptops with m820 Geforce graphics cards.

Re: Geforce driver and TTS4 problems

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 1:17 am
by nzuraw
Interesting, thanks. Personally I use GTX 560Ti in three PCs with the latest Nvidia drivers that support those cards. Not had any oissues, but worth paying around with the settings to see what happens :thumbsup:

One thing I did do a while ago and meant to do a right up was install ReSHade - the popular PC Gaming post-processing injector for games and video software.It dramatically improved the ambient occlusion and depth for the virtual worlds.